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Convenience + security: best practices for AWS access key management

In this blog post I am going to talk about several security best practices, particularly for configuring AWS Access Keys. Some of these practices are based on a project that we inherited which was compromised by hackers. Best practices are often learned from mistakes; and when the mistakes are someone else's, so much the better!

Google search on laptop

Google’s FLoC signals the need for publishers to grow diverse revenue streams

Google’s recent announcements about its “privacy sandbox” – a collection of browser-based technologies the tech giant is pushing as the new industry standard for programmatic ad targeting – offers a glimpse of online advertising’s probable future following the inevitable demise of third-party cookies.

combination lock

Securing eZ Find's Solr installation

When using eZ Publish's eZ Find extension on a public facing site or project -- arguably any project -- it is vital to secure it to prevent unauthorized access and potential data loss. eZ Find is powered by Apache Solr, an open-source search server based on the Lucene Java search library. Its power and flexibility make eZ Find a great tool when working with a lot of content in eZ Publish.

There are a number of ways a Solr installation can be secured. We'll look at BasicAuth via Jetty UserRealms and iptables firewall rules in detail.