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Data Import

Extension : data_import
Requires : eZ Publish 4.x.x
Authors : Marius Eliassen,
 Philipp Kamps


The purpose of this extension is to import data from a given data source (like XML / CSV documents) into the eZ Publish content tree. This extension licensed is under the GPL.

Extension : data_import
Requires : eZ Publish 4.x.x
Authors : Marius Eliassen, Philipp Kamps


We choose an object-oriented approach. Developers need to implement a SourceHandler that understands the given data source. The handler is completely independent from the import operators. The import operators contain the logic on how to create/update the content nodes in eZ Publish.

Import Process

Each import process starts with an eZ Publish command line script. It gets an instance of a SourceHandler and an ImportOperator and then runs the ImportOperator.

Get started

Here is a quick explanation on how to get started:

  • install a vanilla eZ Publish 4.0.0 or higher
  • extract the extension to the extension folder and activate it in settings/override/site.ini.append.php
  • run 2 example imports

 prompt> php extension/data_import/scripts/run.php -i ImportOperator -d XMLFolders
 prompt> php extension/data_import/scripts/run.php -i ImportOperator -d XMLImages


 prompt> php extension/data_import/scripts/run.php -i ImportOperator -d CSVFolders
 prompt> php extension/data_import/scripts/run.php -i ImportOperator -d CSVImages
