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In-depth insights on content, code, and creativity

Translating eZ Publish websites: a simple tool for template/script translations

eZ Publish is well-known as a Content Management System with built-in multi-language features. To present different translations of pages, eZ Publish uses 3 major components: content translation, content class translation, and template / script translation. In this post, we will explain these 3 components and introduce a script to help translate strings in templates.



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Multi-class single attribute fetch for eZ Publish

It is a reasonably common use case to fetch a list of content objects based on a common attribute implemented across multiple content classes. For example, to fetch all articles, blog posts and comments published by a given author. Certainly one could do multiple fetches and then massage the result sets together, but that's a lot of work. In this post I'll create a custom template operator (which is not the same as a custom fetch function, although the latter might be a better extension if one were a fan of doing things 'semantically') The operator will do the fetch with one SQL query. And I hope to shine some light on the eZ Publish db schema around objects, along the way.


Selling Pay-Per-Download Products

Many products -- PDF books, songs, and online games, among others, are well suited for a pay-per-download workflow. In such a case, customers buy products online and receive immediate access, without requiring any action from the seller. Mugo Web has written an article outlining how eZ Publish provides a framework to quickly set up pay-per-download products.